Cryptocurrency exchange Bitget has set up a corporate social responsibility project, Blockchain4Youth, with a $10 million allocation to run over five years. The project consists of providing blockchain courses and certifications through Bitget Academy and campus lectures globally with universities for the various generations. Through partnerships with educators and 8 million users spanning over 100 countries, Bitget looks to maximize its impact and educational resources.

The initiative coincided with the results of an expansive study involving over 250,000 millennial respondents from countries like the United States, China, Japan, Germany, Nigeria, and Indonesia. Surprisingly, 46% of millennials use cryptocurrencies in comparison to Gen X (25%), Gen Z (21%) and baby boomers (8%). More striking yet, almost two thirds of millennials and Gen Z respondents believe regulation of cryptocurrencies is a significant factor when choosing political candidates.

In an orderly fashion, Bitget has set out a blueprint to follow after Binance Charity introduced a large study grant with 30,000 scholarships for 2023, receiving interest from 82,000 applicants for an admission rate of 37%. Furthermore, Binance Charity claims to have committed $23 million to 32 Web3 social projects and counting since 2018. As one of the most prominent exchanges in crypto today and a competitor of Huobi, who went into crisis recently as reported in Magazine: Zhu Su’s exchange did $13.64 in volume akshually, Bitget is looking to ensure user trust and educational development through Blockchain4Youth.

Through its corporate social responsibility program, Blockchain4Youth, cryptocurrency exchange Bitget aims to create a better understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrencies by providing quality practical and theoretical education. The initiative will commence this month with lectures on Web3 conducted in universities across Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand, and the Bitget Academy will also offer courses. Bitget has been able to secure 8 million users and partners with educators to maximize awareness and educational resources.

The study commissioned by Bitget involving millennials from countries around the world reveals that nearly half of the generation owns cryptocurrencies and almost two thirds consider cryptocurrency regulation as an important factor for political candidates. Furthermore, initiatives by Bitget's competitor Binance Charity have proven successful with their program offering 30,000 scholarships and providing $23 million to 32 Web3 social projects since 2018. Bitget's Blockchain4Youth is set to meet this benchmark in quality education and corporate social responsibility.

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