Cryptocurrency and blockchain are revolutionizing the ways in which art is bought and sold. Through the use of these cutting-edge technologies, Jeremy Cowart, an acclaimed celebrity photographer and creative director of tech-focused media platform Now This News, is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

This week, Cowart launched a new 10k NFT collection that seeks to bring photography and performance art works together under a unique concept. Using a combination of blockchain technology, NFTs, and cryptocurrency, Cowart is creating a totally original take on digital collections.

A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger. This type of cryptocurrency allows individuals to own pieces of digital art, music and literature as well as cryptocurrency. Non-fungibility is essential to the creation of digital ownership, since it allows a work to define the time that someone holds it, even if others have access to the asset.

The 10K NFT Collection by Jeremy Cowart is a one-of-a-kind project that brings together elements of photography, performance art and cryptocurrency. The works are part of a unique suite of artworks, now available to purchase, part of which consists of 10 tokens with artwork that is either 10 thousandths or a millionth of a full painting or photograph, as well as a piece of interactive art.

At the heart of the 10K NFT Collection is its sole use of a unique cryptocurrency known as COSA, an ERC20-based token created to serve as a tool for interaction with the artwork included in the collection which merges performance and photography. By programming the tokens, they will behave like living organisms, and act as AI, popping up new animations, images, and other types of digital engagement whenever the user interacts with it.

Through the 10K NFT Collection, Jeremy Cowart is pushing the boundaries of cryptocurrency and digital artwork to new levels. This groundbreaking new concept seeks to bring photography and performance art into a single platform in an unforgettable way, offering collectors a fully integrated digital artwork. Through this revolutionary new endeavor, Cowart is bringing together technology and art in a whole new way.

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