Cryptocurrency airdrops have become a great way to generate buzz in a short period of time. Recently, an event occurred that took airdropping to a whole new level. A Twitter user posted their Ethereum address on the platform and was surprised to find they had been given 7 ETH (worth over $2300 at the time of writing) a few days later.

This extraordinary event has drawn considerable attention to the budding cryptocurrency airdrop market. Airdrops are essentially when a project gives away small portions of its native token in order to incentivize people to use the platform and introduce them to the idea of owning cryptocurrency. Airdrops typically require participants to possess a certain amount of Ethereum before being able to claim their tokens.

This particular airdrop was different as it doesn't force the user to hold Ethereum in order to obtain the token. All the user had to do was put out a tweet with their Ethereum address, and the rest was done for them. The idea of an airdrop that doesn't require the user to have Ethereum is revolutionary, and the trend is expected to grow in the near future.

Furthermore, this particular airdrop was unique because of the vast amounts of money involved. With airdrops becoming commonplace, recent ones generally reflect the value of the token being airdropped concentrating on creating brand awareness. But this airdrop was worth 7 ETH and is of total value of around $2,300 which is a huge sum. It is an example of a successful airdrop, when executed proficiently and efficiently—the concept can have huge success.

Cryptocurrency airdrops have become immensely popular over the last few years, as projects seek to incentivize people to join the platform and spread awareness. By distributing free tokens, companies are able to generate interest in the project and get people invested in the token. This method has helped many unknown projects garner huge success, and this latest extraordinary 7 ETH airdrop is no exception. This event has made the cryptocurrency airdrop phenomenon even more visible and provided a new dimension to the already popular concept.

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