India’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, SunCrypto, recently announced a massive 150 million Shiba Inu token giveaway. As part of the giveaway event, which started on May 3, 2023, one hundred lucky participants will have the chance to receive a total of 1.5 million Shiba Inu tokens each. In order to stand a chance to be one of the winners, interested persons must complete 6 social media tasks - such as logging into one of their accounts, following SunCrypto’s official Twitter and LinkedIn account, as well as visiting the exchange’s YouTube and Instagram channels, and joining their official Telegram channel. Each task earns the participants varying numbers of points, with the highest being five when they follow the exchange on LinkedIn. As at the time of writing, 7,483 entries have already been recorded, with 27 days left before the giveaway event comes to a close.

It is unclear why SunCrypto came up with this giveaway, however such events are often conducted as part of a listing activity – for instance, when Shiba Inu was listed on Japan-based crypto exchange, BitFlyer in March of this year, the exchange conducted a giveaway event to mark the occasion.

The announcement of the giveaway event was perfectly timed, as Shiba Inu had just been crowned the most popular meme coin in India and the US. Meaning, SunCrypto may have intended to cash in on the meme-coin’s newfound popularity.

Regardless, the prize distribution process still remains to be made known. SunCrypto is expected to unveil the information in the days to come. Therefore, potential participants will have to wait until the full details are announced before they can take part in the event.

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