In the world of blockchain, maximum extractable value (MEV) plays a key role in traders' activities. MEV refers to all of the money or value that can be obtained by carefully manipulating the order and/or content of transactions in a particular block. Most traders obtain MEV via decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like Uniswap. In all financial markets, the order of transactions is a major determinant of price, that's why quants will often locate their servers near any given exchange. It is important to note that discussions of MEV often include the parties responsible for Ethreum's ERC-20 token confirmation, which can lead to such issues as validators collaborating with trading bots.

The good news is that blockchain developers can use various ways of control in regards to MEV. One of the ways is sovereign MEV, which means setting protocols for controlling the amount of MEV extracted from the blockchain. Directives on acceptable methods of capturing MEV and where MEVs can accumulate and what happens to parties who violate the protocols may be included. Internal MEV, on the other hand, is MEV that is generated within an appchain. This encourages certain users through the use of atomic arbitrage, which is a strategy of making buy orders on one platform and sell orders in another simultaneously.

CeFi-DeFi MEV also utilizes arbitrage, taking advantage of the discrepancies between centralized and de-centralized exchange prices by exploiting the delayed updates of on-chain pools and DEX liquidators.

Interchain MEV involves taking profits from swapping assets across blockchains. This form of MEV is specific to those blockchains that can not natively interact with each other, taking advantage of the use of third-party oracles which are able to 'see' transactions on different blockchains.

Even Ethereum's founder, Vitalik Buterin, has confessed that MEV will always exist in Ethereum. Validators will always be able to pick transactions with higher fees, notwithstanding attackers like front-runners or sandwich attackers. MEV traders, however, have various strategies to capitalize on MEV, such as arbitrage and other methods.

Overall, developers can utilize various methods such as sovereign MEV to keep MEV in check by issuing rules such as who gets to access the rewards, or how MEV can be extracted from the blockchain. In short, MEV provides traders with plenty of opportunities to generate profits, but it is important to remember to employ secure methods and ethical practices.

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