Malware creators are taking advantage of a recent surge in public interest in Chatgpt, Openai's AI chatbot, to dupe victims into downloading malicious applications and browser extensions, Meta, the parent organization of Facebook, revealed. The firm noticed a multitude of malware families and links leveraged to portray Chatgpt-based tools. On Wednesday, the Head of Information Security of Meta compared this phenomenon to the crypto-induced scams of the recent years.

That being said, Facebook's representatives are already formulating protective measures against potential abuses related to generative Artificial Intelligence technologies such as Chatgpt. Digital Ministers from the G7 countries acknowledge this growing risk, with their April declaration asserting the establishment of regulatory measures that are based around the categorization of risks, and also enable AI advancement.

Moreover, tech mogul and investor Elon Musk expressed his doubts about Openai's Chatgpt and its morality, suggesting the build of a rival Artificial Intelligence platform, titled 'Truthgpt'.

Overall, the growing notoriety of AI technology such as Chatgpt has resulted in a rise of suspicious activities regarding its usage, spear-headed by cyber criminals employing the public hype to attract their victims. As a measure of defense, governments and regulatory bodies should focus on identifying potential dangers and on developing AI-friendly regulations, which would minimize the chance of such scenarios occurring in the future.

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