The community is raising a concern about the high influx of SUI tokens due to the projected release schedule. The token's total supply is highly centralized to the Sui Foundation, early contributors, and Mysten Labs Treasury, who hold more than 75% of the total supply. According to Binance research data, in October 2023 there will be a rise in the circulating supply of the token and even after May 2030, Sui Foundation, holding 36.38% of the supply, will continue with their vesting schedule. This has made crypto analyst Miles Deutscher remarked on the situation with an intense supply hitting the market.

Though the massive supply indicates hyperinflation and a corresponding decrease in token's purchasing power, some of the community members look forward to buying $SUI at a cheaper rate. As before the mainnet launch on yesterday SUI token dropped by around 40%.

The impact of such huge supply on the future sustainability of the project is not yet clear. However, with the huge quantity of tokens being readily available, it is understandable why some members of the community are being apprehensive.

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