The popular cryptocurrency platform dYdX has recently been approved the 4% maximum fund raising and bug fixes in their Perp V3 contracts. This update is expected to make a large impact on the security of users' funds and improve the reliability of the platform.

The bug discovered in the current code of the dYdX StarkEx Cairo interface had the potential to leave users stranded with no way of getting their money back if their collateral balance was left at precisely zero. The fix put in place is expected to ensure that there is no longer a need for users to depend on either dYdX or StarkWare to repair the Merkle Tree of locations holding open positions. This should make the process of exiting the dYdX exchange more reliable, should it ever freeze.

The support towards this proposal was immense as the snap vote saw 657 persons voting with a total of 18 million DYDX, which accounts for 99.99% of the vote. This goes to show how confident the users of this platform are in their ability to embrace new changes which may be beneficial to them.

Overall, cryptocurrency investors have welcomed this update to the dYdX platform. The additional layer of security should mean that transactions can be carried out in a much safer manner, while the bug fixes should make sure that funds are much more secure. Although it is hard to determine the effects of this update, the level of support behind it should bring about positive changes for the users of this platform.

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