Cryptocurrency has become an increasingly popular form of digital currency, and the technology supporting them has improved significantly over the years. One of the latest developments is the BRC-20 token standard, which uses Ordinals and Inscriptions saved on the Bitcoin blockchain. UniSat Wallet, one of the first providers of BRC-20 wallets and marketplaces, recently encountered a significant issue with its open-source Chrome Extension for Bitcoin ordinals.

Due to a vulnerability in their codebase, they were affected by a large number of double-spend attacks that ultimately affected around 70 transactions out of 383. This issue was likely caused by the team's inability to test every possible approach to a double-spend attack and making the necessary alterations and adjustments to the code.

In order to remedy this, the UniSat Wallet team confirmed that it will compensate those who have been determined to have been affected by the incident. Furthermore, anyone who believes that they have been a victim of this vulnerability is asked to contact the company via support ticket on their Discord server, where the case will then be further investigated.

UniSat Wallet also reminded its users that BRC-20 is still very new and is still facing various challenges. It requested its user's support to help the company continue to develop this technology and push it further. It also goes to show that, although the cryptocurrency industry is rapidly developing, there are still challenges and issues to be addressed.

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