Facing a barrage of criticism from detractors of the Cardano blockchain, Charles Hoskinson, founder of the platform, offered his rebuttal by taking to Twitter recently. In response to a tweet which suggested that experts were ridiculing Cardano's secure formal verification design choices, Hoskinson noted that it was actually competitors attempting to spread misinformation. To provide further proof of Cardano's inherent security, Hoskinson pointed to the success of the Extended Unspent Transaction Output (EUTXO) model, which is a variation of the traditional UTXO model employed by Bitcoin. The EUTXO model builds upon this structure by introducing smart contract functionality, which allows for more efficient transactions, while reducing the likelihood of certain security risks.

Despite these counter-arguments, Hoskinson's detractors, like Robert Leshner, remain unconvinced and continue to question the security of smart contracts. That being said, it's clear from the lengthy back-and-forth between Cardano proponents and opponents that the debate is still very much ongoing. The concept of blockchain security is an incredibly complex topic, and discussions regarding the pros and cons of specific models are unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. What we do know, however, is that despite criticism the Cardano platform has held up to rigorous standards, and the underlying EUTXO model has remained strong.

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