Bitget Token (BGB) prices have surged on news that major cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex will be listing the token on its platform. After the announcement, the token traded up to a high of $0.41, demonstrating the 9% gains and increased daily trading volume. The rise pushed prices just 21% off the all-time high of $0.51 reached in February 2023.

BGB is an ERC-20 token that is used mainly governance purposes on the Bitget crypto derivatives platform. In addition, to access certain services, users need BGB tokens, and it incentivizes stakers with rewards and discounts with zero withdrawal fees.

Rank 83 based on market cap, the BGB token has a circulating supply of 1.4 billion and a market cap of $567 million. On April 24th 2023, Bitfinex announced that it would be listing the token, the first major exchange to do so, increasing BGB’s liquidity and visibility.

On April 25th 2023, deposits of BGB will open on Bitfinex and trading will launch two days later on April 27th, with initial trading pairs of USD and USDT. These events have already led to substantial gains in BGB prices and with the future influx of liquidity, it is likely that the token will remain at an elevated level.

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