Gift card scams are malicious attempts made by fraudsters to steal money or personal information from people through deceptive means. These scams may come in the form of fake emails, text messages, and even unverified retailers or vendors. It is essential to verify the credibility of any offers or messages before taking any action, regardless of how convincing the offers may seem. Gift card scams can be identified if there are any of the following signs like requests to purchase gift cards, offers that are too good to be true, payment required before delivery and refund requests not accepted. To prevent against such scams, be sure to purchase gift cards from reputable retailers and never send your payment details in a public domain. If you think you have been targeted by a scammer, contact the retailer or gift card issuer immediately to report it. Do not worry if you find yourself as a victim as it is not your fault, just take action quickly to minimize the damage.

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