The metaverse sector in France is set to grow at an impressive rate over the coming years. According to a recent report, the market is estimated to expand 31.5% year over year, reaching $6.7 billion by the end of 2023. This growth trajectory is expected to continue, with a CAGR of 28.6% to 2030 reaching a Metaverse Spend Value of $22.1 billion.

In the country, there is a general acknowledgment of the potential of the metaverse sector, however the current adoption rate is still low. This is changing though, with large, influential companies such as LVMH taking a footing in the space, providing an indication of the growing popularity of the technology. This is being further driven by the increasing number of investments that metaverse-focused startups in France are receiving. Recently, METAV.RS, based in Paris, raised €3 million in October 2021.

The immense potential of the metaverse market in France places the country in a prime position to lead the way in world-class virtual experiences. It is highly likely that France's robust metraworlds culture and its thriving ecosystem for start-ups will become a major part of the metaverse’s future development. Businesses in the industry should continue to keep a close eye on France in the near future and prepare to leverage the many simulated opportunities available in the country.

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