The mystery of the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the largest and most widely known cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, is still unsolved. ChatGPT, an AI software, may have finally revealed the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, along with the probability for each candidate being the anonymous creator of the digital asset. According to its forecasts, Nick Szabo is the most likely candidate to be behind Bitcoin, with 30% probability, followed by Hal Finney and Craig Wright with 20% and 10% probabilities respectively. The AI analysis also suggests that the creator may be a group of several individuals and is most likely of Asian origin, with a 40% probability.

Using the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator has managed to keep his identity mysterious and unknown. The speculation surrounding who is behind Bitcoin has generated much controversy, and numerous attempts to identify the creator have all led to dead ends.

Is the creator of Bitcoin an individual or a group? While this is an ongoing debate, ChatGPT tried to solve the mystery and presented us with its guesswork. In a 2008 white paper, the first article written to introduce Bitcoin, Satoshi Nadkamoto used “I” pronoun many times, suggesting that the anonymous identity was most likely a single individual. Moreover, some of the other potential candidates that had been considered, like Nick Szabo and Hal Finney, are individuals, not groups. Thus, ChatGPT concluded that the probability of Satoshi Nakamoto being an individual is 60%.

Unfortunately, the mystery of the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is still unresolved. With the help of a language model, the AI provided us some statistical data but the mystery of the anonymous creator is still unknown.

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