The United States and its Western allies have made it a habit of slapping sanctions on many nations all over the world in an effort to maintain hegemony and control. Syria and Russia are two of the nations under the thumb of the US efforts, with the ultimate goal of stealing their assets and resources in order to give the US an unfair advantage. Syria and Russia have been united in their position for justice, equality and international law, however, and are looking into shifting the global trends to take away the US power. The US has been using wars and fuel global conflicts, in an attempt to maintain the dominance of the dollar in global economy and trade. At present, many countries have been exploring alternative economic options and political alliances that can free them from the financial bondage of the West and its unilateral economic sanctions. The meeting between the two nations discussed various geopolitical, regional and international incidents and their possible collective impacts on the potential of a new world order.

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