Solidity, a programming language developed by the Ethereum Network for creating decentralized applications (DApps) on blockchain systems, has launched its latest version, Compiler Version 0.8.20. This newest update brings many improvements to the via-IR pipeline, enhances the events list disclosed in the contract ABI, and adds support for the Shanghai hard fork update. The default target EVM version in this new version is set to Shanghai, meaning that the resulting bytecode will feature PUSH0 opcodes. The Standard JSON interface also allows importation of JSON ASTs using SolidityAST as the input language.

Solidity's syntax is similar to most other popular programming languages and includes variables, functions, classes, and arithmetic operations; however, it is object-oriented and is the preferred language of Ethereum and other alternative networks such as Monax. This language enables developers to create decentralized platforms that utilize smart contracts and front-end user interfaces on the peer-to-peer open-source network of Ethereum.

People looking to deploy Solidity-based contracts on any platform other than the mainnet, such as L2 networks, should be aware that these might not yet support PUSH0 opcodes and therefore, it is vital to choose the correct EVM version to ensure successful deployment and avoid any contract failure. Updating to the newest version of Solidity Compiler is easy and requires following the installation instructions in the manual.

As with all investments, we encourage our users to do their own research and make sure to always take into account the associated risks before investing their funds.

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