Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, recently announced that he will actively partaking in trading meme coins and other promising projects. As he clarified, the purpose of this trading is simply for fun, and any profits from it will be donated entirely to charity. Furthermore, he ensured that he would take full responsibility for any losses incurred.

He also highlighted that investing in these coins does not constitute financial advice in any form and there is no guarantee of any listing of the coins on any exchanges. For this reason, Sun urged that investors practice thorough research and due diligence prior to investing in order to fully understand the risk associated with such investments.

Sun's announcement follows controversy which arose when 155.1 million TUSD were deposited to Binance. Sun clarified this deposit was meant only to level the price difference of major TUSD and to increase the liquidity of pending orders and trading volume. It was not meant for activities related to any exchanges.

The implications of Sun's decision to actively trade in cryptocurrency has generated a huge buzz in the market. As such, it is likely to have investors, as well as cryptocurrency enthusiasts, excited and ready to jump onto the bandwagon. Although, it is important for everyone to know that investing in meme coins, as well as cryptocurrencies in general, carries risk and it is essential to do one's own research before venturing into such investments.

Tron was established in 2014 by Justin Sun and later founded, in 2017, by a Singapore non-profit organization called Tron Foundation. The foundation's aim is to provide users with a global entertainment system to cost-effectively share digital content amongst themselves.

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