The crypto industry is fast-changing and evolving and it is not surprising that whales, the big players with a huge sum of money, are showing no fear in the market. Despite the US Government selling 9,800 Bitcoin related to the notorious Silk Road, these big investors are actively investing in in the cryptocurrency and confidence in the market.

On-chain analyst Axel Adler had reported that “BTC Accumulation and Distribution – no changes. Large players continue to buy BTC from smaller players”, highlighted in the chart below. This can be seen as a correlate to the current Bitcoin price which has been in the downtrend since the news broke of the sell-off.

Whales have a great edge to capitalize on the market volatility due to their deep pockets, but this does not mean that smaller players cannot also follow suit. In fact, these investors can also benefit from the current market trends and volatility. However, it is important to be disciplined when trading and to research and analyse the market movements before investing.

It is clear that the market is still highly volatile and the demand and supply ratio will play a key role in determining the direction the prices will take. What whales might know that smaller investors need to acknowledge is conducting research and analytics along with exercising discipline while trading. The market is unpredictable and can be risky one minute and highly rewarding the next.

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