The crypto industry is known for having a lack of diversity, with the "crypto bro" stereotype often coming to the fore. Ripple managing director Sendi Young is looking to tackle this issue, through their usage of the 'diverse slate' approach. This method was popularized by the NFL, and states that in every recruitment process there should be two candidates from an underrepresented group. Ripple also use this technique and combine it with clear objectives and goals, to ensure they reach their targets.

Young also noted that the space has become less revolutionary due to its fledgling acceptance. The once-libertarian roots of the industry have now become more balanced, with more people of differing opinions participating in the space. This is believed to be one of the reasons why the institutional space has become more prominent.

However, until a more diverse representation exists within the industry, it is likely these issues will remain. To ensure that the industry moves forward in a positive manner, greater initiatives should be put in place to support people from underrepresented backgrounds. With the backing of large figures within the field, such as Young, we can hope to see a positive future in this regard.

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