Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to create greater efficiency and productivity, promote economic growth and even alter existing occupations, as well as create new ones. Undoubtedly, some jobs may be displaced in the short term, yet AI promises to generate new jobs, as well as boost economic growth in the long run. AI can be a great assistant to workers by providing real-time information and insights to help them become more productive, and also by stimulating new forms of creativity and artistic expression. For example, AI can help create original works of music and literature, or be used in the cybersecurity field to promptly detect patterns that are better analyzed by machines than by people. Furthermore, AI can bring innovative new products and services not only to help business increase their sales, but also to create new jobs in research and development, marketing roles, and more.

However, AI integration into existing economic sectors and business models might also cause job unease. Automation of low and middle-skill jobs may lead to further widening of the income gap, which is why it is important to ensure society benefits from AI: proposing laws to protect workers and granting access to social safety nets for those who have lost their jobs due to automation, for example. Therefore, authorities and business leaders should collaborate to assess the current and future labor market needs, and focus on providing educational and training opportunities in areas like sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics in order to prepare people for the AI era and the new occupations it will create. Investment in infrastructure and innovation is also key in order to facilitate the development and commercialization of new products and services. With a well-created strategy, AI could very well prove to be a great driver of job and economic growth.

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