Artizen, a crowdfunding platform focused on culture, recently announced that it has raised $2.2 million to fund projects at the crossroads of art, technology, science, and design. They use so-called Artifacts which are unique art works stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Their purpose is to represent the spirit of a project and increase its value. Artifacts holders can also participate in deciding what projects will be featured next on Artizen. The project with the most bought Artifacts at the end of the season will be rewarded with a cash prize of $23,492.

Creators who join the platform can submit a proposal for an art related project which, upon approval, will be presented on Artizen's website. Campaigns will include a short film about American immigration, an animated series about late-stage capitalism, or 3D animations about gender performance.

Artizen's co-founder, René Pinnell, believes the platform is unlike any other platform using non-fungible tokens (NFTs). He claims that the Artifacts they offer will only increase in value as the projects they represent become more widely accepted. He also suggests that some of the projects have the potential to become just as influential as great Renaissance masters such as Leonardo da Vinci.

Overall, the platform is pushing creativity and innovation forward, while providing a secure and transparent market for art-related projects. While anyone can buy Artifacts, the voting privilege is limited to those who do, giving them a chance to influence the future of art and culture.

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