The world of digital art has taken revolutionary steps in monetizing creative artists’ works. Red Bull Doodle Art and Burnt Toast have teamed up with Crossmint to create an unprecedented opportunity wherein student artists can mint and gain revenue from their Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) creations. The collaboration aims to harness the potential of blockchain technology and introduce younger generations to the exciting world of digital art.

Each academic year, the Red Bull Doodle Art global competition encourages students to unleash their creativity and submit their works. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, a special NFT component has been added to the competition. NFTs are digital assets that serve as a certificate of authenticity, ownership, and provenance to the artist's work. For the first time in its history, the world final of the Red Bull Doodle Art will feature an auction of the winning doodles. The works will be minted in-situ with the help of Crossmint.

In order to make this whole process as easy and seamless as possible, Crossmint will provide the participants with an onboarding service, wallet, and Proof-of-Participation tokens. On top of these services, the collaboration leverages the artwork and illustrations of the artist behind Burnt Toast.

120,000 submissions from over 62 countries have already been submitted for the competition. A selection of one winner from each country will get a chance to proceed to the world final which will be held from 25th to 27th of May 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The winning pieces during the final auction will be very interesting to look forward to.

The imminent digital transformation of the global art world is a brilliant opportunity for talented young individuals. It is a promising way of unlocking an array of possibilities in terms of monetizing their artwork. This collaboration speaks volumes of the power of collaboration and technology. It is also reminiscent of the blockchain’s pervasive potential and Crossmint’s pioneering effort in leveraging that potential.

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