Michael Saylor recently spoke about how money is dying everywhere in the world. He claims that the U.S. Dollar is not an exception to this phenomenon. This is due to inflation in the dollar that runs about 4.9% per year, but is actually much higher than the government's CPI gives credit for. Saylor also shared how other currencies in weaker countries are experiencing even higher rates of monetary inflation with figures ranging from 20-100%.

Saylor interjected how this results in a crisis of confidence in currencies and banks which makes consumers start to lose belief in fiat money. He later touched on commodity assets, like gold, oil and property, all of which prove to be expensive and slow, if moved. That's why Saylor believes Bitcoin is the king commodity money providing traders the ability to move millions of dollars worldwide, while being inexpensive and quick. Bitcoin is also attractive as it is digital and scarce.

In conclusion, Saylor asserts that money is indeed dying everywhere, but gave insight on why Bitcoin and other digital currencies are proving to be a viable alternative. Not only are they much more efficient and cost-effective, but they also provide a sense of security for consumers when holding money. Ultimately, it will be the consumer's choice to decide which currency is deemed trustworthy and secure in the long-term.

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