The crypto industry is facing a challenging situation due to the rulemaking stance that United States' Securities Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler has been taking on the crypto token classification. A leaked document sent to Democrat House Financial Services Committee members suggests that lawmakers of the party should support the notion of the primary regulator of the crypto industry to be the SEC. The memo also dispels the notion that additional regulatory clarity is needed for the crypto space. It states that though there are some ambiguities, the main issue is that crypto companies need to abide by existing laws.

Hill Republicans and Democrats are in disagreement on digital asset regulations, with some Republicans calling for additional regulations while Democrats maintain that there is already an effective regulatory system. During an April hearing on stablecoins, Ranking Member Maxine Waters remarked that the proposed legislation failed to address the Democratic concerns and called for re-examination from the scratch. However, in her prepared testimony for the recent hearing on crypto, she hinted at a more accommodative attitude and said that issues related to cryptocurrencies should be bipartisan.

The broader implication is that US lawmakers are finding it difficult to keep their message intact due to internal conflictions. On one hand, Democrats maintain that the regulations are good enough and rules should be followed, while on the other, Republicans believe that more regulation is needed for growth and innovation in the crypto space. This confliction is further aggravated by the suggestion of the leaked documents that the top priority of the lawmakers should be preventing a US debt default instead of concentrating on cryptocurrency legislation.

In the end, it is important for the House members to ultimately come to a consensus and agree upon rules that will provide certainty and sustainability to the crypto market. An effective approach will encourage firms vested in digital asset technology to follow existing rules and comply with regulations. Of course, the document suggests that the regulations should not be new or different in any way, but rather they need to be adhered to according to the existing regulations. This will ensure safe, efficient and responsible operations in the crypto industry.

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