Cardano (ADA) has recently experienced a dip in its value, as the price of ADA is hovering around $0.36 and 3.28 billion tokens of the cryptocurrency trading within the range of $0.35-$0.37. Many investors are now asking the same question - can Cardano recover from the slump and start its climb back up the market?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to examine the "In the Money" and "Out of the Money" metrics. This evaluation calculates the average cost of purchasing tokens and compares it to the current price of the tokens. If the current price is higher than the average cost, it is considered "In the Money," otherwise it falls under the "Out of the Money" metric.

Currently, ADA is being held in a tight gripping, with a range of resistance levels set in place due to a high number of investors holding the token in the range of $0.35-$0.37. This is a result of over 215,000 people buying ADA within those price brackets. The token’s trading volume is descending, which means it is moving in a local downtrend.

Nevertheless, ADA might still have time to make a miraculous recovery. If a surge of positive sentiment spreads throughout the cryptocurrency market, this could act as a domino effect that gradually pushes ADA back towards its peak. In order for this to happen, ADA must break through the resistance level set by its investors, as this could potentially motivate a wave of token buyers who might propel the token to higher than before. Additionally, a rise in trading volume could also help overcome any resistance and move the token up the ranks.

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