A major coordinated operation, led by Europol and involving law enforcement agents from nine countries, shut down the illegal dark web marketplace “Monopoly Market” and arrested 288 individuals suspected of engaging in buying or selling drugs on the dark web. Named Operation SpecTor, the takedown included the successful seizure of over EUR 50.8 million (USD $55.69 million) in cash and cryptocurrency, 850 kg of drugs and 117 firearms.

These criminal activities were impeded by the destruction of “Monopoly Market” as well as other illicit marketplaces, with investigations still ongoing to identify any additional individuals behind dark web accounts associated with the illegal activity. Furthermore, thousands of customers across the globe are at risk of prosecution due to the extensive compiled lists of buyers.

This is the second major dark web market takedown which Europol has been involved in, with Hydrra being shut down in April 2022 and an approximate EUR 23 million in cryptocurrencies being seized.

Cryptocurrencies, unfortunately, are an attractive way for cybercriminals looking to make a quick profit as they remain largely unregulated and decentralized. Moreover, the anonymity aspect of cryptocurrencies makes it hard to trace stolen assets and leaves victims of crime looking for other ways to recoup their losses.

In order to protect buyers and investors, it is important to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the dark web and learn about the techniques cybercriminals employ in order to stay one step ahead. Increased use of personal protective measures, such as two-factor authentication, coupled with regular servicing of accounts, scanning for vulnerabilities, and preventive security programs, can significantly decrease the chance someone exploits a stolen or compromised account.

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