Ripple, IOTA, and Stellar are all vying for the competition in the low-value cross-border payment market that's estimated to be worth trillions of dollars. These companies are attempting to change the way global financial transactions occur, providing better accessibility and more clarity in costs, speeds, and reliability. The services they are offering are setting the stage for improved financial inclusion, as many people are still excluded from traditional banking systems.

To reach their goal, each of these companies have been leveraging their services to advantage. Ripple, for example, has taken the lead by being ISO 20022 compliant, giving them access to RippleNet and a single standardized API to make the most use of their global financial network connections. Meanwhile, Stellar could be behind in comparison, but its still projected to hit $0.194 towards the end of the year and a minimum of $0.080 USD.

Besides these prominent players, Algorand (ALGO), XinFin (XDC), and IOTA all have plans of entering the race, but they may arrive too late in the game as the ripple and Stellar are predicted to take up a sizeable share of the market by then. The markets have welcomed these moves, believing it would foster a better economic platform across the globe with improved delivery of quicker, cheaper, and more secure transactions. Although the regulations of the US Federal Reserve remains uncertain and recent, these companies are taking the necessary steps to ensure that low-value cross-border payments are accessible and effective.

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