British Member of Parliament Lisa Cameron is positive about the deployment of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, yet not personally invested. She claims that this type of technology requires more regulation for its adaptation.

The UK-based member of the Scottish National Party (SNP) expressed her opinion in an interview given at the recent UK Blockchain Summit. Cameron acknowledged that she was “not invested personally” in the domain but praised of the innovation of distributed ledger technology. She said that society requires a “considered and fair” approach to regulation and governing of this sector.

Cameron also mentioned the importance of choosing the right firm and the people they hire while talking about blockchain technology. The Scottish MP claims that the path of the blockchain industry should not be diverted to create the same old bureaucratic bureaucracy, as a result of people making wrong decisions on how it should be regulated.

The MP further spoke of the risks associated with the technology. She suggested that a fast-paced environment can create certain issues that can bring down certain organizations. She is emphasizing that change has to be well planned,adding that as things are modified, care should be taken that these changes does not harms either consumers or parties.

Cameron took a stand for the technology by saying that it is yet uncertain how things would be done with the blockchain technology, but praised the ongoing efforts to make it more secure. She believes that it is essential that the blockchain sector is regulated. Cameronis focusing on providing clarity on regulating the space, thus making the blockchain industry a better ecosystem.

Cameron believes that the power of blockchain is its potential to eliminate certain bureaucrats, create more efficient government, reduce things like paperwork, and increase the data safety and information accuracy. She is of the view that if the technology can serve these purposes, then it will be worth the effort.

The overall utilization of this technology requires a higher amount of regulatory focus to give citizens peace of mind and bring more transparency to the blockchain industry. Clearly, Cameron is a firm believer of blockchain technology and has a positive outlook for the industry's near future.

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