Coinbase has recently posted a job opening for a Staff Blockchain Engineer, signalling that the company has become more open to broader blockchain networks beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum. The job listing mentions Cardano as one of the leading heterogeneous networks. Cardano's blockchain technology is highly regarded for efficient scalability, robust security and sustainability. Recent reports indicate the network has processed more than 65.6 million transactions and has seen a surge in the number of projects built on the network from 500 in March 2022 to 1,230 in May 1, 2021. Additional reports show an impressive growth of 8.20 million tokens minted over 72,000 token policies and 5,419 Plutus scripts. Plutus is a smart contract platform of Cardano's blockchain that allows users to build applications that interact with the blockchain. The incorporation of Cardano into the job opening at Coinbase marks a significant milestone for the network, as Coinbase is one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges based in the United States.

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