ConsenSys-built Layer 2 network Linea is aiming to ramp up activity on its forthcoming mainnet by introducing a loyalty reward NFT campaign. The program will see users rewarded with special tokens for performing various tasks related to using the testnet. The rewards will be given out weekly and will involve users utilizing the bridging protocols available, such as Hop Protocol, Celer Network, Multichain and Connext.

The campaign will be carried out using the loyalty platform Galxe and follows in the footsteps of similar ones run by Arbitrum, Optimism and Polygon.

These incentives have led to major increases in activity on the respective Layer 2 networks, sometimes to a level causing congestion. Arbitrum’s Odyssey campaign even saw fees on the network temporarily surpass those of the Ethereum mainnet. The programs have also been attractive to ‘airdrop farmers’, who join in the hope of meeting the requirements to receive valuable tokens further down the line. In most cases this has not been used as criteria for receiving airdrops, however.

Airdrops which have already taken place on networks such as Optimism and Arbitrum have seen some users managing to secure windfalls. Linea’s loyalty campaign is yet another chance for users to potentially benefit as the Layer 2 network moves towards its mainnet launch.

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