Level Finance recently experienced an attack on its decentralized exchange resulting in the theft of over 214,000 of its native tokens, Level Finance (LVL). The malware managed to swap the stolen amount into 3,345 Binance Coin (BNB) - totaling roughly $1.01 million in value. The exploit was isolated to the Referral Controller Contract and had been caused by a bug which allowed for multiple referral claims from the same epoch. Alerted via Twitter, Level Finance confirmed the attack and stated that it plans to deploy a contract fix within the next 12 hours. Moreover, liquidity pools and DAOs connected to the exchange remain unaffected by the malicious malware. Additional data shows that the V2 Controller Contract had multiple calls of the “claim multiple” function over the past 48 hours. Nevertheless, the team asserts that it has temporarily shut down the referral program to prevent further damages. Level Finance is expected to release a full post mortem of the situation on their official Discord channel.

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