Changpeng Zhao, founder and CEO of Binance, has always had an impressive background. Having previously worked for the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) in the 1990s, CZ was part of the Youth League Committee during his tenure at CNPC. The Youth League Committee is a youth organization under the Communist Party of China responsible for educating and cultivating people. After his time at CNPC, CZ moved on to other roles in the tech and finance industries.

Evidence of CZ being part of the Youth League Committee was found in various places such as interviews, online outlets, and his official LinkedIn profile. In a 2018 interview with Forbes, CZ mentioned his involvement in the Committee and his work at CNPC. Additionally, on his LinkedIn profile, CZ provides more details on his time at the CNPC, noting his position there as a software developer, while also acknowledging his involvement with the Youth League Committee.

There are other sources outside of the ones already mentioned that also provide confirmation such as news outlets and media. For instance, in the July 2018 article on Forbes regarding the Crypto king, CZ is mentioned as being part of the Youth Development Team of the CNPC. The article can be found here:

Binance has denied claims about Changpeng Zhao’s past employment in CNPC and his involvement in the Youth League Committee by stating that these are fabricated, false information and there is no evidence to back these claims up. This of course is untrue as evidence as to CZ’s engagement with the CNPC and the Committee can be found in multiple outlets.

In conclusion, Binance has publicly denied claims about Changpeng Zhao’s past employment and involvement with certain communist groups. Nevertheless, evidence of CZ’s involvement with the China National Petroleum Corporation, working as part of the Youth League Committee, can be found in multiple places such as his LinkedIn profile, interviews, news outlets, and media. With the help of multiple sources, it is easy to identify that these false claims made against Changpeng Zhao are indeed false.

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