XRP Name Service is a new blockchain name service that is bringing the same benefits of readable and sometimes catchy text to users on the XRP Ledger. This adds to the already popular blockchain name services that exist, primarily in the Ethereum community. The private sale was held by the firm in March and they are now releasing frequently asked questions regarding the project before launching a public sale in the second quarter (Q2) of this year. The team has expressed their aim to initiate an airdrop for users who qualify, however, clear details about this have not been released yet. The token will be released through the proposed XRPL Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible sidechain from Peersyst. This sidechain is meant to bridge to Ethereum, allowing Ethereum users interested in XRP services to easily participate. The timeline for the project's launch has possibly been impacted as the XRPL sidechains project is still going through some changes that require fresh testing. Although the project is still in progress, it has already gained some recognition and support from influencers in the crypto community. It is important to note that XRP Name Service is a separate entity from Ripple and is not related to them in any way.

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