The Terra Classic Joint Layer 1 Task Force was as successful as promised in their first quarter of 2023, completing all goals without any issues and under budget. LuncBurnArmy, the project manager, informed the public that the team would be returning some of the funds they received from the community pool, totaling the original amount at $141,000. Several members of the community have applauded the team’s effectiveness, with PinkUnicorn80 expressing gratitude for their time and dedication to the project. As the Terra Classic network reestablished its Inter Blockchain Communication channels at the end of 2022, the team has now moved on to the next goal of achieving parity with the rest of the Cosmos ecosystem for the second quarter. Achieving this milestone would make it easier for developers from other chains to build on the Terra Classic network, increasing its economic activity and raising the value of LUNACLASSIC — something the community looks forward to.

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