Exploring the possibility of a Ripple win against the SEC, Scott Melker, popularly known as the "Wolf of All Streets," asked crypto enthusiasts to imagine such a victory. With anticipation to the final summary judgment ruling building momentum, stakeholders of XRP have taken to Twitter to express their views. Ripple has in its favor the might of the finance to secure the best legal counsels in the US, and has received support from top blockchain companies such as Coinbase, SpendTheBits, and Investor Choice Advocates Network (ICAN).

As Melker noted, a victory for Ripple would grant XRP the privilege of being the only crypto asset with regulatory clarity in the US. In order for Ripple to win the lawsuit, their lawyers must prove that the third and fourth prongs of the Howey Test- “expectation of profit” “to be derived from the efforts of others”- does not apply to XRP investors. The SEC has alleged that XRP investors expect huge gains due to the activities of the leading blockchain company, however, the regulator has failed to offer substantial evidence to back up this claim.

In response, Ripple has presented 3,000 affidavits from XRP investors, who disclosed that they have never relied on the company's efforts to gain profits. Additionally, the tech company featured an expert witness who presented facts that indicate that market forces are mainly responsible for XRP price movements. With the backing of 13 out of the 16 entities filing amicus briefs in the lawsuit, Ripple is better placed to emerge victorious against the SEC, much against the argument of some crypto followers who think otherwise.

All that remains is to await Judge Analisa Torres's ruling with bated breath. Whichever way the ruling goes, it is sure to have far-reaching implications on the future of the cryptocurrency space.

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