Bitcoin proponents voiced their displeasure with the recent change in Twitter’s logo, swapping the blue bird to a cartoon image of the popular Shiba Inu Doge, which is associated with the cryptocurrency meme asset dogecoin. While many were displeased with the decision, calling it a “pumping of unregistered securities” and saying that it was “totally irresponsible”, others were more open-minded, arguing that it was simply a joke by Twitter’s owner Elon Musk and there was no true financial risk involved. Supporters of dogecoin hailed the change as a breakthrough in their mission to bring cryptocurrency to the mainstream, while bitcoin advocates felt slighted that Musk chose to promote dogecoin over the world’s leading cryptocurrency, BTC.

The jury is still out on whether the logo change will have any real impact on prices for dogecoin, but for now, it has clearly divided the proponents of digital assets into two camps. While some criticize Musk for promoting what they call an “unregulated security”, others laud his efforts to bring cryptocurrency to the mainstream. However, one thing is certain: with increasing government regulations, rigid definitions of what can be called a “security”, and growing public scrutiny on the sector, it is important for investors to do their own research before jumping into any digital asset.

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