The Terra Classic network, once celebrated in decentralized finance, has greatly diminished in size, yet it still holds potential to regain momentum and success. In December of 2023, the Terra Grants Foundation, headed by Edward Kim, made an official request to Binance for a grant of 5 million dollars. Binance responded positively, welcoming outside development and improvement of the network through their industry recovery initiative. Binance has been a strong advocate of Terra Classic, having already dedicated millions of dollars in trading fees to the burn initiative. The two-tranched grant, of 2.5 million each, has the potential to jump start progress towards reviving the Terra Classic network, instilling trust and faith back into decentralized finance. With the money, the Terra Grants Foundation will fund projects with real-world practical applications and currently, TerraCVita, an independent Terra Classic development group, is considering joining the initiative. While it is unknown when the money will be received and put to use, it is clear that Binance has not lost trust in the Terra Classic network and its potential for revival.

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