Lisk, a blockchain-powered Web3 application platform, recently announced the launch of its new Accelerator Program. The program is designed to provide development teams and entrepreneurs with the mentoring, funding, networking, and promotion opportunities that they need to bring their projects to fruition. As a part of the program, Lisk will provide up to 250,000 CHF ($270K) of grant funding to each qualified project and will not take any equity in return.

The Lisk Accelerator Program is now open for applications and will run for two rounds – first from March 20 to June 30, 2023 and the second from September 1 to November 30, 2023. Currently, the team is actively looking for experienced and established professionals who can help further the development of Web3 solutions and benefit from the program.

The Lisk Accelerator Program seeks to incentivize the development of Web3 solutions that are tailored for apps, support entrepreneurs who are looking to work on their projects over a long period of time, and grow the Web3 community. Each approved project will receive grant funding, mentoring, and marketing support while keeping 100% of any profits that they generate. This is a great way to encourage projects to create the disruptor industries such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.

Max Kordek, Lisk’s CEO commented on the announcement of the Accelerator Program saying: “Web3 applications have the potential to create trustless interactions, reduce costs, eliminate middlemen, and increase efficiency. We believe this can lead to the establishment of entirely new business models. With the Lisk Accelerator Program, we’re hoping to discover such projects and bring them to life.”

The Lisk SDK is an easy to use platform for developers to build their own sidechains and Web3 applications that are compatible with the Lisk infrastructure. This makes it easy for developers to scale their applications and offers them virtually unlimited customization options. The Accelerator Program is meant to support the development of such applications and promote innovation in the Web3 space with the help of experienced developers and entrepreneurs.

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