MakerDAO, established and trusted platform in the crypto space, is seeking to enhance its governance equilibrium to make its stablecoin, DAI, one of the widely used stablecoins. In the recent update made by Founder Rune Christensen, the detailed roadmap of 'Endgame' was disclosed, consisting of five phases that will be taken to achieve this goal in the next three years.

The first phase will be the formation of a unified brand, different from DAI and Maker DAO, along with its own governance token. This Accessibility Governance Process will provide all stakeholders with the option of either holding the original tokens or upgrading to the new token. The second phase introduces the concept of Maker SubDAOs. It teams of individual governance powered by their own tokens. SubDAOs are meant to be independent from Maker, however, their missions are integrated to its protocol.

The launch of AI-governance tools is the third strategy of Endgame. It puts in motion Alignment Artefacts which give direction to the governance process and assist to better framework. Such tools are designed to be open source, this not only helps in optimizing Maker's tools; but also provides a public service. Following is the fourth phase of deployment, the Sagittarius Lockstake Engine (SLE). This engine brings in the incentive to tokenholding by allowing users to delegate their tokens in committed voter committees through a gamified front-end.

The closing step is launching a privy chain. This chain keeps MakerDAO's backbone processes balanced, decentralized and sustainable. According to this state, major upgrades or recorrections are to be avoided. All MakerDAO's tools will be safeguarded through a secured bridge. In addition, one of the perks of this new version is that it is able to hard fork due to a governance conflict. This provides shelter to users, businesses and protocols that bet on the Dai Stablecoin and NewStable, from being affected by a possible governance attack.

To sum it up, the plans which MakerDAO is putting in motion through Endgame, aim to make its DAI stablecoin one of the most commonly used stablecoins in the market, without sacrificing its governance balance. Moving ahead, all the desired outputs of this long-term goal are expected to be achieved in the stages of Accessibility Governance Process, SubDAO launch, AI tools, Lockstake Engine and rebranded new chain.

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