MakerDAO, a decentralized platform, announced a broad roadmap on Thursday called Endgame, designed to enhance efficiency, resilience and participation, with a short-term goal to become the most widely-used stablecoin project within three years. Endgame, according to MakerDAO co-founder Rune Christensen, will streamline and parallelize the Maker Ecosystem with the launching of 6 new SubDAOs that can be farmed by users and will spearhead permissionless innovation and collateral allocation.

The upgrade will include the deployment of a new blockchain, currently being called NewChain, that is tightly coupled to Ethereum while increasing the governance security of the ecosystem and implementing the full range of advanced Endgame features and tokenomics.

Endgame is a 5-step process that starts with a Beta launch within several months focusing on establishing a unified brand for the ecosystem, followed by the launch of six SubDAOs that will function as "born-decentralized, specialized divisions within MakerDAO" which will remove costs and complexity related to daily operations, as well as a launch of AI tools for governance monitoring and improvement and a program for governance incentives.

The NewChain, the fifth and final phase, will have the ability to use hard forks as a governance mechanism, optimized as a backend for AI-assisted DAO governance processes and AI tool users. Once it is deployed, MakerDAO will permanently enter the Endgame State where further major changes are impossible and its core processes and balance of power will be decentralized, self-sustainable and immutable forever.

In line with this plan, the Dai stablecoin and MKR governance token are not to be altered, but an upgrade to new versions currently being called NewStable and NewGovToken will be possible. NewStable will be a new ERC20 wrapper of the same underlying stablecoin as Dai, while NewGovToken will be a "a redenominated version of MKR with a larger supply."

Overall, MakerDAO's newest roadmap Endgame is a robust and ambitious action plan, set to bridge the gap between two separate brands and encourage permissionless innovation and collateralization options. The goal of the upgrade is to become the most widely-used stablecoin project within three years and it can become real with utopian thinking and an unwavering commitment to technologies like AI.

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