Donald Trump, former U.S. President and 2024 Republican Presidential Candidate, has urged Republican lawmakers to let the United States default on its debt obligations, if Democrats do not agree to make substantial cuts on their spending. While speaking at a CNN Town Hall on Wednesday, the former president expressed his beliefs, stating that this would be “better than what [we’re] doing right now, because [we’re] spending money like drunken sailors.”

Mr. Trump responded to the possibility of the U.S. defaulting on its debt obligations by advising the Republican party, “if they don’t give you massive cuts, you’re going to have to do a default. I don’t believe they’re going to do a default because I think the Democrats will absolutely cave, because you don’t want to have that happen.”

Donald Trump is known for his strong stance on financial issues, having issued multiple warnings regarding the U.S. economy and the U.S. Dollar in recent months. He believes that “the U.S. is being destroyed by very stupid people” and that the current conditions are a “cause of great leverage to some”, while proving to be detrimental to the country.

The speculation around the US debt obligations arose when the US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, informed lawmakers that the Treasury Department may not be able to pay the government’s bills as early as June 1st if Congress does not raise the debt limit before then.

Donald Trump has previously expressed that he does not believe the Democrats will “cave” to the Republican’s requests. He remains confident that the U.S. defaulting on its debt obligations is “the only option” due to their refusal to make substantial cuts to their spending. If they were to proceed with the default, it could not only have a major impact on global markets and economies, but it would also have serious implications on the country’s financial security.

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