Coinbase, the leading crypto exchange, announced on Friday its launch of a Global Advisory Council. This council consists of former U.S. lawmakers Senator Patrick Toomey, Congressmen Tim Ryan and ​​Sean Patrick Maloney, Chris Lehane from venture-capital firm Haun Ventures and John Anzalone from Impact Research Polling. The purpose of this council is to navigate the complex crypto industry landscape and strengthen its strategic relationships.

Coinbase's move comes amid an increasingly more hostile regulatory climate in the U.S., leading CEO Brian Armstrong to plan further overseas expansion. The exchange also started a grass roots initiative to advance pro-crypto policy in all U.S. Congressional Districts earlier this year. Armstrong claims that their work is to bring updates to the financial system, still grounded in rules from over a century ago which predate computers. He declared that they choose to develop in the U.S. in order to be part of the solution, believing that this country would benefit the most from embracing crypto and blockchain technology.

This announcement strengthens Coinbase's intentions to be a front-runner in helping crypto emerge as an accepted financial service, supported by the guidance of enlightened experts in the field. With a track record of understanding, creativity and problem-solving, the members of the Global Advisory Council are likely to be a great asset and contribute to the treasury of knowledge available to the coin exchange. It's believed this will further their mission to become the world's most trusted digital asset exchange.

The members of the Global Advisory Council and Coinbase as a whole are surely on a mission. The council seeks to push the traditional limits of finance, championing the pioneering and revolutionary technology of cryptocurrencies that is certain to revolutionize the future of global finances.

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