Linda Yaccarino, the WEF Task Force Chairperson, appears to be the top contender for the new Twitter CEO position. Moreover, investigations have revealed that she follows the official Shiba Inu account, which has sparked speculations of her entusiasm for the project. This has further excited the Shiba Inu community, as they could be positively impacted by the potential addition of features to Twitter favouring the asset if Yaccarino ends up as the CEO.

The speculation linking Yaccarino to the vacant Twitter CEO position gained more traction after she resigned from her position as the Chairperson of Global Advertising & Partnerships at NBCUniversal Media. To add to this, Elon Musk, the current CEO, announced his planned retirement yesterday with expectations to handover the mantle to the new CEO in approximately six weeks. However, while Elon Musk openly rooted and advocated for Dogecoin, Yaccarino has so far no records that link her to any crypto or blockchain project.

The only information available on this matter is that she also follows the official Dogecoin account, Billy Markus, one of the founders of Dogecoin, and two other Dogecoin-related accounts. These small hints stir up hope among Shiba Inu fans that she might be a passionate believer of the project. One thing’s for sure is that if Yaccarino is chosen for the CEO role, the Shiba Inu ecosystem would hope for some favorable developments related to their project on the platform.

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