Ethereum, one of the leading blockchain networks of the world, faced a technical issue last Friday, which caused it to stop finalizing blocks for a period of more than one hour. Finality on the Ethereum network is typically attained in 15 minutes. This means that once a certain transaction is finalized, it cannot be altered or erased without spending a minimum of 33% of the total staked ETH, this is according to the Ethereum Foundation.

The incident fueled speculation and discussion in the cryptocurrency realm. Adam Cochran, an Ethereum capitalism, posted on Twitter that while they are hoping that this is only an issue with a single client, it is still not good whatsoever. Eric Conner, an Ethereum Core developer, rebutted this by saying that the network did not go down, but there was a bug that has since been fixed.

The problem with Ethereum's finality was also seen as a grave concern, as it allows for transactions to be re-ordered or disregarded if not finalized. Superphiz, an anonymous Ethereum developer, tweeted an optimistic message, saying that despite its severity, the chain will eventually be finalized.

At present, the network is up and running, with blocks finalizing decently, causing users and developers to relax a little. It is crucial to keep in mind, however, that similar glitches of this kind can occur anytime. Therefore, Ethereum followers must proceed with caution, being aware of such technical issues for necessary action in case of another outage.

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