The annual survey conducted by Emfarsis and the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) reveals that digital asset ownership is consistently seen as the most significant benefit of blockchain in the gaming industry, with 71.1% of respondents ranking it as the top advantage. However, despite the emphasis on digital asset ownership, most blockchain games today are free-to-play and do not require asset ownership. The early days of blockchain gaming saw players needing to buy NFTs upfront, but this created a barrier to entry for many potential players. As a result, blockchain games have shifted towards a free-to-play model to attract a broader audience from the traditional gaming market. The move aims to prioritize accessibility and address challenges such as onboarding and poor user experience. However, this approach raises questions about how much blockchain can be omitted from a blockchain game before it is no longer considered a game on the blockchain. True interoperability and transformative Web3-native innovations remain largely theoretical due to the focus on accessibility and the hidden nature of Web3 features. The concept of "ownership" in Web3 is often overhyped, and the value of NFTs still depends on centralized infrastructure and operations. Despite this, experiments with fully onchain games and advancements in digital asset ownership, such as tokenbound accounts and soulbound tokens, show promise in providing agency, control, and value to players. The challenge moving forward is to develop experiences that allow players to discover the benefits of digital asset ownership organically while prioritizing fun and accessibility.

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