Domino's Pizza, a well-known pizza delivery chain, joined in the cryptocurrency conversation in an unusual way. Recently, they posted a picture of the Dogecoin (DOGE) mascot on their Twitter account with the caption #NewProfilePic. This seemingly obvious endorsement of the currency caused mass excitement among the Dogecoin community and its supporters.

Within the first 24 hours of the post, the price of DOGE increased by 30%, reaching its highest ever level at over four cents. This event is a perfect example of how influential the cryptocurrency world has become and how capable it is of impacting global markets.

This recent positive trend has continued with other international fast food brands such as Burger King giving hints of possible integration of Dogecoin into their services. Recently, Burger King UK twitted that they were “trying to convince [their] manager to let [them] have a doge office” hinting at the possibility of adding DOGE as a payment currency.

The biggest news of them all, however, came from who else but Elon Musk. The billionaire entrepreneur tweet just a few days ago a picture of the famous Shiba Inu, which is the face of Dogecoin, thus showing tremendous support for the currency.

Overall, it is safe to say that Dogecoin has been making massive strides in the cryptocurrency world and it looks like major corporations and business tycoons are taking note of it. Despite its history of volatility, the fact that Dogecoin has been steadily increasing in value needs to be taken into consideration, as it has been performing very well in the market in recent times. With more countries and businesses unlike Domino’s and Burger King potentially onboarding Dogecoin in the near future, huge leaps in terms of mainstream adoption and value appreciation are possible and the possibilities are endless.

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