Drone Racing League (DRL) is on the verge of becoming the first entity to present an entire season in the metaverse. This will be made possible by way of the DRL Metaverse Marathon which is scheduled to air 13 levels of both real-life and eSports drone racing in its virtual world of 'MegaCity'. Fans of the drone racing league will not require any specially designed equipment to watch the event as they will only need to access the event's link from their PCs and phones. Avatars will be used to incorporate the fans more effectively into the experience.

The upcoming event will be spearheaded by Robot Racing League's new Algorand champion pilot, MinChan Kim, and other notable DRL pilots including Hollywood filmmaker, Vanover. DRL's chief marketing officer Anne Marie Gianutsos was quoted saying "with this event, DRL will become the first property to stream an entire season in the metaverse, giving our fans more access than ever and adding a new meaning to DRL as a real-world video game".

The event will be preceded by the Algorand World Championship Race Finals which will be broadcasted on several platforms including Facebook, YouTube and NBC. This event is expected to be held on April 8th (2023) at 3 pm EST.

The Drone Racing League (DRL) was established in the year 2015 as a professional drone racing property that allowed its fans to watch their favorite drone pilots compete on NBC and other social media platforms. This year (2021) they have struck a five-year contract with Algorand which is worth a $100 million. The drones used in these races can travel at speeds of up to 90 mph as they race towards the finish line.

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