The Cosmos Hub, powered by ATOM, is looking for a research team to revamp its native token. AADAO, a decentralized autonomous organization spearheaded by the Cosmos community, has launched an initiative to incentivize the development of a plan by awarding grants of $30,000 each to three research teams. Interested parties have until May 4th to apply and the grant recipients are to be announced on May 15th while the proposals are to be revealed by June 30th with a winning proposal being chosen by August 31st.

The team's task is to detail a vision for Cosmos Hub and ATOM which can then be discussed with the community. It has been noted that a bottom-up approach is preferred so that the entire process is organic and driven by the community. The teams are required to publish their ideas separately on the Cosmos Hub discussion forum where the community can give feedback. It is then possible that more than one proposal might be put to a governance vote and the successful one will be executed.

Finally, teams who are interested in making these ideas a reality can also apply for grant funds from AADAO. Since the ATOM tokenomics proposal wasn't passed due to lack of clarity and breadth, the participating teams are to develop a detailed plan that is feasible and can be put into effect. The Cosmos Hub is looking for innovative individuals to help bring its token to the next level and if you fit the bill, this is a great opportunity for you to get involved.

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