Huobi recently launched Dominica Digital Citizen Token (DMBT) in collaboration with Tron, crypto exchange Huobi and Dominica's metaverse organization DMC Labs. This initiative is part of the government of this Caribbean island country’s Dominica Metaverse Digital Citizen (DMDC) program.

DDID, the Dominica Digital Identity serves as a link between the virtual and real worlds and aims at enabling the global population to have full access to digital freedom. Once an individual has met the criteria for DDID, s/he will be able to take advantage of the features of the Tron Blockchain to create his/her own token, the DMBT. These tokens are exclusively available to those who have passed Level 3 KYC verification on Huobi.

The importance of the collaboration between Tron and Huobi, who also counts Justin SUN, Tron founder, as an advisor, is that it is expected to accelerate the establishment of Web3 for identity validation and access control. This will have an incredible impact on the financial industry and beyond.

The tokens serve as an online identity, it is not possible to transfer or revoke them, this creates the perfect platform for trustless exchanges. The issuance of the DMBT tokens is added to the decentralized applications of the Tron blockchain, which is becoming one of the most popular in the cryptocurrency world.

These tokens are expected to have a great implication on the financial system. It will provide users with greater access that transcends physical boundaries and increases security against malicious attacks and threat.

This and the other initiatives led by Tron set a great example worldwide and are fundamental in the achievement of the goal of the government of Dominica to become the blockchain capital of the world. Dominica Metaverse Digital Citizen (DMDC) program, motivated by the government of the Caribbean island country, aims to expand Tron’s mission and create an identity-linked token to be used as an online identity. The token, Dominica Metaverse Bound Token (DMBT), is the result of the collaboration between the Tron, crypto exchange Huobi, and DMC Labs.

Those who meet the requirements of the Dominica Digital Identity (DDID) and pass the Level 3 KYC verification of Huobi are able to create their own DMBT on the Tron blockchain. It cannot be transferred or revoked as they serve as a unique type of identity-linked token and form of Web3 identification.

DDID is expected to serve as the basic block for Web3, with Huobi and Tron aiming to create a world where the virtual and real environment could go hand-in-hand and provide the global population with access to digital freedom. It is feasible to eliminate the boundaries or restrictions that divide countries through the use of DMBT and similar digital tokens and push the financial system toward a great level of success.

With a few clicks and some security measures, you can be part of the new digital era by taking this incredible opportunity by the government of Dominica, Tron and Huobi. Gaining the trust and security of the digital consumer should be the main concern for us all.

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