Alex Ohanian, the co-founder of Reddit, made the bold claim that his personal investments in NFTs and the metaverse are related to the Armenian genocide. He argued that it is a way for him to protect the generational wealth of his family. However, a closer examination of his motivations and investments reveals that this claim is nothing but an attempt to rebrand an investment decision in order to make it more palatable to the public.

Ohanian himself is worth around $300 million, and his wife, the tennis player Serena Williams, is also of immense net worth. For him to suggest that his wealth building activities are motivated by the suffering of his ancestors carries little to no weight. The truth is that investing in NFTs, crypto and even gold and silver are simply clever methods of securing wealth, and Ohanian knows this.

Ohanian also promotes the concept of “self-custody”, the idea of controlling one’s own crypto tokens or precious metals by keeping them in a personal wallet. But due to regulatory requirements, most of his digital assets are saved in third-party custodians, making them susceptible to seizures. This reveals that his arguments of self-custody for protection purposes is far from the truth.

It’s natural for people to have a desire to create and protect generational wealth. However, it is important to understand and recognize that Alex Ohanian’s investments have nothing to do with his ancestors suffering during the Armenian genocide. His investments are to increase his personal wealth and to build a public identity.

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